
Welcome To Front Line Art Therapy

Ocean and sand


Front line art therapy offers benefits to support healthcare workers in various ways from…

  • a calming outlet for self healing
  • a space to reduce stress and anxiety
  • to promote self awareness and discovery
  • to put feelings both conscious and unconscious on paper
  • to help build positive coping skills
  • to offer stress management and relaxation
Sand and ocean


a style of psychotherapy that caters to you, helping to walk through difficult, confusing and complex emotions, to help you through whatever life throws at you.

Clear water at the beach


Front line art therapy offers an experience that is open to all aspects of life…

  • from medical staff who are dealing with difficult and stressful environments and situations that can be overwhelming.
  • children and family of medical staff who maybe worrying and holding anxiety for loved ones
  • clinicians who have worked or dealt with severe grief and need an space to help process the associated emotions

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

– Pablo Picasso

many come to art therapy for different reasons and benefit from it in a variety of ways. during difficult times when we have little control of our lives it can cause anxiety and stress, art therapy can be an avenue to help regain that sense of control.

About Us

we are an online art therapy service that offers e therapy to physicians, healthcare workers and their families.

Get In Touch


Front line art therapy during these uncertain times is a free service to physicians and healthcare professionals and family members, but we also accept donations help support for future sessions. you can help donate to front line art therapy through E- Transfers.

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